Saturday, 3 September 2011

Fall begins!

Happy Long Weekend!
Aren't they just the best?! Especially when kick started by one of these:
Grande Pumpkin Spice! 
(This picture is terrible, but I was feeling a little jittery after devouring this baby and my blackberry does not have the best camera in the world. Sorry!)
Anyways, I now feel like Fall has officially begun! And I'm not going to lie, I'm excited for falling leaves, brisk mornings and more pumpkin spice lattes!
I am a little choked however that camping season is basically over! Since this long weekend is pretty much going to be dedicated to helping my little sister get ready to move to Lethbridge on Monday (wah I'm going to miss her!), we're skipping our usual Labor Day camping excursion. Also, the current Calgary temperature is 7 degrees. I prefer to do my camping in the double digits. It may be time to move inside. Sad day.  
I'll just reminisce about some camping done earlier this summer... 
 Actually, this was just last week! Julie and me packed up the gear and headed to Kananaskis for some typical Fisher sister camping shenanigans. (Typical shenanigans = hiking, napping by the campfire and sandwich making). So you know it was a super rowdy trip! Not.
It was absolutely beautiful though! We hiked around the Upper Kananaskis Lake trail. Without bear bells (yah, we're hardcore). Not really though, it was a pretty popular trail so our noisy fellow hikers pretty much made up for our lack of bear-scaring equipment. 
Hiking + mountain air = massive appetites! Don't you find that being outside in the mountains always makes you super hungry?! Maybe thats just me...
Time for classic camping eats!
So, we have this "fire-roasting sandwich maker thing" that I love, love, love. We always take it when we go camping, and I kid you not it makes the BEST sandwich you will ever taste.
Once you've mastered the cooking technique that is. This was grilled cheese attempt #1. Lesson learned: do not put the sandwich maker directly into the flames.  
Grilled cheese attempt #2. Toasty perfection.
Campfire Grilled Cheese
2 slices whole wheat bread
2 slices ham
2 slices cheddar cheese
honey mustard
ketchup (for dipping!)
Spread both slices of bread with a little (or a lot) of butter. Place slices butter side down in both sides of the sandwich maker. Spread non-buttered sides with honey mustard. Place ham on one slice and cheese on the other. Close sandwich maker. Now, hold sandwich maker above the fire (ABOVE the fire!) for about 5 minutes rotating regularly. 
BEST grilled cheese. Ever.
Campfire sandwich round 2!
Melty Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich
2 slices whole wheat bread
1-2 T. peanut butter
1/2 banana
granola (optional)
Spread both slices of bread with butter, and place butter-side down in sandwich maker. Spread the non-buttered side with peanut butter and top with sliced banana and granola. Close sandwich maker. Hold sandwich maker above the fire for 5 minutes, rotating regularly.
Amazing gooey, melty goodness.

Other favorite camping foods: Trailmix Oats, Banana Boats and roasted starburst candies! (Sounds weird, but don't judge until you've tried it)
So long camping season, I will miss you! I'm debating sleeping in my tent tonight in my backyard.        
September is off and running! Make it amazing :)

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